Thursday, October 14, 2010

What O Should've Done

Actor212 hits a homer with this post, reminding us of the (far) lesser of two evils while putting the credit and blame exactly where it belongs.

Simply Left BehindThe Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: Picking Up The Gauntlet:

"...2) Taxes, but also Jobs: In addition to the above outline, a jobs program should have been front and center on Obama's agenda when he took office. Even if it meant reviving the Civlian Conservation Corps and paying people to pick up trash along the roadside, it would have helped. Right now, the private sector has added a net of one million jobs in 2010. It took Bush SIX YEARS to reach that level of hiring.

People are underemployed and the underlying truth is, people have stagnated in jobs and salary for thirty years, all sacrificed at the altar of tax cuts for the rich and the retarded (sorry, Trig) idea that somehow making the rich richer helps the middle class..."

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