Monday, July 10, 2006

Footnoting and Cribbing Update

Angry Bear: ". . .Ms. Coulter’s publisher answered the recent charges about alleged plagiarism with this:
We have reviewed the allegations of plagiarism surrounding Godless and found them to be as trivial and meritless as they are irresponsible. Any author is entitled to do what Ann Coulter has done in the three snippets cited: research and report facts. The number of words used by our author in these snippets is so minimal that there is no requirement for attribution. As an experienced author and attorney, Ms. Coulter knows when attribution is appropriate, as underscored by the nineteen pages of hundreds of endnotes contained in Godless.
Nineteen pages with hundreds of endnotes! I just hope Crown Publishing has done a better job of insuring the author is reporting facts."

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