Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Leaders and Managers

Take Me to Our Leader: "by Bob Burnett

It's a famous cartoon setup: aliens descend from a space ship, walk up to a human, and demand, 'Take me to your leader.' If aliens actually did land in Washington DC, they'd probably be taken to meet George Bush. After all, he's the nominally elected President of the U.S. Ah, but is he our leader?

No. Most of us believe that President Bush has failed as a leader. That's the crux of the problem facing the U.S. as we gaze into the eye of the Middle East maelstrom: there's civil war in Iraq; Israel is rampaging in Gaza and Lebanon; Iran grows more belligerent by the hour and seems determined to have nuclear weapons; and India and Pakistan are at each other's throats; and George Bush cannot be counted upon to guide us through this tempest

Management theory teaches there are two types of leaders: one is a person who occupies a position of authority and the other is a someone who people go to for counsel because of his or her wise decision making. This theory argues that people want to respect their elected officials; that we gain or lose confidence in our leaders based upon two traits: trust and communication. As President, George Bush occupies a position of authority, but he has lost favor with Americans because he has proven to be an unwise decision-maker, untrustworthy public servant, and unreliable communicator. . ."

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