Friday, October 06, 2006

Dobson, Foley, and Mr. Squarepants


Digby on James Dobson and Dobson's take on Measuring Man and Spongebob:

"...Please do not ever tell me again that I have to respect this man's religious beliefs or his professional analysis of human behavior. They are clearly just disposable political garbage to be used to bilk his followers and empower himself. I don't want to hear about morals from any of these people anymore. They are just cheap political operatives and deserve no more polite consideration than Karl Rove or Dick Morris. Less actually, Karl Rove and Dick Morris aren't making the huge profit that Dobson and Perkins and the rest of these Jesus hucksters do. They should retire and go into the Republican religion business. But I suppose it might be too low and unprincipled, even for them..."

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