Thursday, December 01, 2005

Pat Sez "Kill 'Em"

From The Smirking Chimp:
"'I know it sounds somewhat Machiavellian and evil, to think that you could send a squad in to take out somebody like Osama bin Laden, or to take out the head of North Korea,' Robertson said in 1999. 'But isn't it better to do something like that, to take out Milosevic, to take out Saddam Hussein, rather than to spend billions of dollars on a war that harms innocent civilians and destroys the infrastructure of a country?'

And in 2004, Robertson reiterated his support for assassinating Saddam Hussein. 'Our forces are going to war, and we support them,' he said. 'But if I had been doing it, I think I would have much preferred the assassination route.'"

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