Saturday, July 31, 2010
Good News For Spine Injuries
If the treatment from Geron works, it 'would be revolutionary,' said Dr. Richard Fessler, a neurological surgeon at Northwestern University, who will lead the study of a stem-cell treatment designed to be injected into patients with spinal injuries to restore their motor function. 'The therapy would provide a viable treatment option for thousands of patients who suffer severe spinal cord injuries each year...'"
"No" To Kagan From Hutch
'I simply cannot reconcile Ms. Kagan's sparse record and my concerns about whether she will be an impartial arbiter of the law,' the Texas Republican said.
Hutchison, who also voted against Kagan's U.S. solicitor general nomination last year, explained her decision by focusing on Kagan's role in Harvard University's restrictions on military recruiters on its campus..."
Any excuse is better than no excuse, I guess.
The Other 13th Amendment
But they could be playing with fire. “We’re in a constitutional silly season,” says Bernstein, “and whether you are of the left or the right, if you take the Constitution seriously, it’s very troubling.” The threat posed by the 13th Amendment is remote; as far as can be determined, no other state has followed the Iowa GOP in calling for ratification, and no bill of ratification has been introduced into the Iowa legislature. As far as their platform goes, we should all be willing to defer to Iowa Republicans on the definition of manure as natural fertilizer. So long as they keep it on the fields, where it belongs."
Friday, July 30, 2010
Move Left And Win...
Poll: Charlie Crist has slight edge in U.S. Senate race - Political Currents - "After leaving the Republican Party before the U.S. Senate primary, Gov. Charlie Crist's strategy of veering to the political left has given him the edge in the general election, a new poll shows..."
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Shame At Arlington
At various times, Metzler tried to say he was unaware of the issues at the cemetery, which include graves with no headstones, unknown remains in graves, urns of cremated remains tossed out in the landfill, and the apparent waste of millions in public funds that were designated to address the problems. (Salon documented these issues and others in a year-long investigative series.) Metzler also claimed that, as he became aware of problems, he fixed them -- but Sen. Claire McCaskill, who chaired the panel, would have none of that..."
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Is The Oil Gone?
Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said much oil had been 'biodegraded by naturally occurring bacteria'..."
If the bottom of the food chain is feeding, becoming fat and sassy, then fishing in the Gulf ought to be great in four or five years.
The Good Mother-In-Law
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hope For Vets (And America)
A department directive, expected to take effect next week, resolves the conflict in veterans facilities between federal law, which outlaws marijuana, and the 14 states that allow medicinal use of the drug, effectively deferring to the states..."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
GOP Dream Team?
Dean endorses a Gingrich candidacy - "Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich won't yet say if he's running for president in 2012, but he picked up an unlikely endorsement Sunday.
Gingrich, a leading conservative Republican, has 'a ton of ideas to move the country forward,' former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a past chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said on 'Fox News Sunday...'
I bet he does-- all of them bad.
Bloggers & Arson
Last week, a government worker named Shirley Sherrod was axed after a video clip of her NAACP speech was used to paint her as racist. In the blink of an eye, her reputation was burned down.
But once the whole speech was revealed -- proving the clip was way out of context -- her bosses were booed, the NAACP was blasted, even the president was chided.
And the guy who started the fire?
As of today, he still has matches..."
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Taking A Hint From Success
"...Look at Norway, where the prevention of such incidents became a major emphasis of the school system after three teenage victims of bullying committed suicide in 1983. There, everyone gets involved — teachers, janitors and bus drivers are all trained to identify instances of bullying, and taught how to intervene. Teachers regularly talk to one another about how their students interact. Children in every grade participate in weekly classroom discussions about friendship and conflict. Parents are involved in the process from the beginning.
Norway’s efforts have been tremendously effective. The incidence of bullying fell by half during the two-year period in which the programs were introduced. Stealing and cheating also declined. And the rate of bullying remains low today. Clearly, when a school and a community adopt values that are rooted in treating others with dignity and respect, children’s behavior can change..."
The Daily Uh-Oh: Hugo Edition
It was followed by a notice from the Foreign Ministry ordering shutdown of the Colombian embassy in Caracas and immediate withdrawal of Venezuelan diplomatic staff within 72 hours.
Claiming Colombia was preparing for war against Venezuela..."
Friday, July 23, 2010
Racists Everywhere
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mel & The End
Female Priest Pedophilia Salvo
Two institutions no one should listen to-- MoDo and the Vatican.
Beck v. Jesus
According to Beck social justice is akin to wealth redistribution and is not in the Bible. Beck said that such ideology is founded on communism and Naziism and dramatically raised up a hammer and sickle and a swastika to further enhance his point, The Atlantic said..."
Oh. And he's going blind.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Then & Now: GOPer Edition
Then-- "...Over the course of eight short years -- between 2000 and 2008 -- the Republicans methodically executed their plan to transform American society. They systematically transferred wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest two percent of Americans -- slashing taxes for the wealthy. They eviscerated the rules that held Wall Street, Big Oil and private insurance companies accountable to the public. They allowed and encouraged the recklessness of the big Wall Street banks that ultimately collapsed the economy and cost eight million Americans their jobs. They ignored exploding health care costs, tried to privatize Social Security, gave the drug companies open season to gouge American consumers and presided over a decline in real incomes averaging $2,000 per family. They entangled America in an enormously costly, unnecessary war in Iraq, pursued a directionless policy that left Afghanistan to fester, and sullied America's good name throughout the world..."
Now-- "...Finally, meet Congressman Joe Barton. If the Republicans win back control of Congress, he would once again most likely serve as the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee -- the Committee that oversees the oil industry. Congressman Barton has never met an oil company he doesn't like. In fact, he's the guy who actually apologized to BP when they were forced by the Obama Administration to take economic responsibility for the disastrous Gulf oil spill. As a political matter, that's like apologizing to Jack the Ripper..."
Offensive Post Causes TP Rift
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Fraud Faux Facts
It is often said that the death penalty does not deter crime, but as numerous wags have pointed out, it does deter one criminal. The example of the car with the keys in the ignition is a valid one, but the point about criminality remains-- I should be able to leave my car unguarded and if someone does take it, then he needs to be caught and punished.
Iran's GOP Squabbling
Friday, July 16, 2010
UFO In China
Palin's Negatives
This is significant, I think, because it underscores the uniqueness of her political situation and suggests she will face major challenges if she decides to step outside the current role she's carved out for herself in American life..."
I've said it before and I'll say it again--I liked Palin a lot more before she became a media star and a spokesperson for the Tea Party.
First, The Good Gulf News
Thursday, July 15, 2010
GOP Strategy
"President Obama has been continuing his seventeen-month campaign to blame all of our nation’s woes on the Bush administration..."
And O's strategy is wrong? If the GOP thinks it's still ok to blame Carter and Clinton, then Skippy the Wonder Chimp is fair game.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Apple Apple II-ing iPhoners?
Will the owners get to pay for the fix? Or will they just be privileged to buy a new phone?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Some Notice Of Primary Screwing
At long, long, last, some in the media are finally paying attention. The documentary filmmaker, Gigi Gaston, was on Fox and Friends recently, speaking out about the corruption associated with the 2008 Democratic Primaries. Her film, “We Will Not Be Silenced 2008″ is a critical piece of history regarding how Obama and the DNC colluded against Hillary Clinton and the 18 million of us who voted for her. Below is Ms. Gaston speaking out about what she found:..."
No Veils In France
There were 335 votes for the bill and only one against in the 557-seat National Assembly.
It must now be ratified by the Senate in September to become law.
The ban has strong public support but critics point out that only a tiny minority of French Muslims wear the full veil..."
Monday, July 12, 2010
Child Rapist Goes Free
Doomsday Castro
Gulf Hope
Like BP's other struggles to wrestle down the wild well, this effort, though proceeding as planned, is no sure bet. It will depend on whether and how badly the well casing was damaged by the deadly surge of oil and gas in the April 20 blowout that destroyed the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and triggered the spill..."
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Common Sense Rules In Dowbloading Case
More Aid For Vets
During the Civil War, PTSD was called “soldier’s heart.” In World War II, it was “battle fatigue.” Studies estimate that nearly 30 percent of Vietnam veterans (some 830,000) have experienced some level of PTSD..."
Friday, July 09, 2010
Democrats vs. Expectations
Duh. You think? How 'bout Democrats winning back Democrats?
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Strange Praise
So it's a bit surprising that at their joint press availability today, Netanyahu actually praised that Cairo speech, specifically citing it as proof that the President does not harbor ill will towards Israel. From the White House transcript, just out:..."
Bad Tea Leaves For Paul
According to Public Policy Polling, he's now tied at 43% with his Democratic opponent Jim Conway..."
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Where We've Been;Where We Are
Steele Forgets Bush
The South Carolina Republican strongly condemned Republican National committee chairman Michael Steele for making a comment that Afghanistan is 'a war of Obama's choosing,' despite the fact that it began years before the president took office.
Graham, speaking from Afghanistan, told CBS' 'Face The Nation' that he was 'dismayed, angry, upset' at Steele.
'It was an uninformed, unnecessary, unwise, untimely comment,' the senator said..."
Vampire Oil Cartels
According to the most recent study by the Congressional Budget Office, released in 2005, capital investments like oil field leases and drilling equipment are taxed at an effective rate of 9 percent, significantly lower than the overall rate of 25 percent for businesses in general and lower than virtually any other industry..."
Giant Skimmer
Saturday, July 03, 2010
WW II Vets Coming Home
Boner Planning GOP Reign
'...If the GOP were to gain the upper hand, and Boehner were elected as speaker, the question is what he and his party would do with that power. Boehner listed three priorities. First, he said, was a renewed commitment to fiscal discipline -- a test his party badly flunked the last time it was in the majority. Second, he said, was to engage in "an adult conversation with the American people" about the need to rein in entitlement spending. And third, he wants to increase bipartisan cooperation in the House.
He offered few concrete thoughts about the GOP agenda but promised that the party will make that clearer before November. "I'm not Barack Obama and I'm not Nancy Pelosi," he said. "I say what I mean and I mean what I say, and we're not going to put anything in a document that we don't have every intention of accomplishing..."'
Another Example Of FIFA Unfairness
" FIFA has banned Uruguay forward Luis Suarez for one match for his deliberate handball to deny Ghana a winning goal in their World Cup quarterfinal match.
FIFA's disciplinary committee has ruled that Suarez was guilty of "denying the opposite team a clear goal-scoring opportunity" and imposed just a one-match suspension..."
And no, getting a penalty kick is not just reward. The point should have been awarded to Ghana. Suarez should have suspended for at least the rest of the World Cup and banned from playing for a year. Severe enough penalties might stop some of the cheating,though that will do nothing to solve the zebra problem.
Biden Squeezing Iraq
" Vice President Joe Biden, the White House point man on Iraq policy, arrived in Baghdad on Saturday for meetings with the two front-runners in slow-moving negotiations to lead the Iraqi government as U.S. troops pull out.
Iraqis voted on March 7, and there are widespread expectations that naming a prime minister and forming a new government could take many more weeks. In the meantime, a sense of uncertainty pervades the country and U.S. troops are in the process of drawing down to a total of 50,000 by the end of August..."
Friday, July 02, 2010
About The Recession
About That Unemployment Check
"...You folks in Congress work three months out of the year, get your health insurance paid for, despite drawing a six figure salary, have a guaranteed pension plan in place, have healthclub privileges, get free cafeteria food, have expense accounts and that's just for starters with the LEGAL perks of being a Congresscritter! It seems to me the percentage of corrupt Representatives and Senators is a LOT higher than the percentage of folks on unemployment who might buy the occasional six pack to drown their sorrows!
The Lessons Of Hamas
"Never has Israel had an enemy so perfectly attuned to the Jewish state's weaknesses, so impervious to its strengths. For more than 20 years - ever since Israel inadvertently midwifed the founding of Hamas at the outset of the first intifada - the organization has leveraged Israel's every tactic into tangible, stepwise political gain..."