Monday, February 20, 2006

Right Wing Dictionary

The Reality-Based Community: Entries from the Republican-English Dictionary: " Entries from the Republican-English Dictionary
Posted by Mark Kleiman

In case you've been having trouble recently in deciphering speeches and news reports:

*alternative energy sources/ n./* New locations to drill for gas and oil.

*bankruptcy/ n./* A means of escaping debt available to corporations but not to poor people.

*'burning bush'/ n./* A biblical allusion to the response of the President of the United States, when asked a question by a journalist who has not been paid to inquire.

*Cheney, Dick/ n./* The greater of two evils.

*class warfare/ n./* Any attempt to raise the minimum wage.

*climate change/ n./* Progress toward the blessed day when the blue states are swallowed by the oceans..."

There's much more. Funny stuff.

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