Rush Limbaugh Detained at Airport for Possessing Viagra - TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime: "Rush Limbaugh Detained at Airport for Possessing Viagra
Rush Limbaugh doesn't learn. After all his trouble with his doctor shopping case, and his being under a deferred prosecution, he asks his doctors to put his viagra script in their name instead of his 'for privacy purposes.' Today he was detained at the Palm Beach Airport for three hours when a search of his luggage uncovered them.
For privacy? That sure worked out well, didn't it. Now, instead of just a pharmacist learning he takes the drug, the whole world knows.
What will happen to him? The matter has been referred to prosecutors. Possessing drugs without a proper prescription can be a class two misdemeanor. It could revoke his deal. As I reported here,
The agreement also provides that he must refrain from violating the law during this 18 months, must pay $30 per month for the cost of 'supervision' and comply with other similar provisions of the agreement.
Any violation of the law could result in a revocation of his deal, which would mean he'd have to stand trial on the doctor shopping charge. The decision will be up to prosecutors.
My prediction: He'll skate, since viagra is not a psychotropic substance. And because Roy Black is a great lawyer. . ."
Yeah, he'll skate, but if he were poor and say, black, would he skate then?
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