Friday, October 20, 2006

The Surrender Act

The Blog | RJ Eskow: Support The REAL Contract With America | The Huffington Post: "...I may have my differences with some Democrats, but every single one of them will work to defend the Constitution against the depredations of the GOP. That's reason enough to vote for a new Congress and Senate.

Here are some suggestions for how a Democratic Congress can enforce this now-broken agreement. First, in keeping with the Republican practice of re-naming everything they don't like (e.g. 'death tax' for 'estate tax'), I suggest that from now on Democrats refer to the Military Commissions law as the 'Surrender to Terrorists Act of 2006.'

Hammer the message home as often as you can -- this bill sold out the Constitution our brave soldiers have died to protect. Why? Because our Republican leaders know they aren't competent enough to defend our country and our freedoms at the same time..."

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