Thursday, January 25, 2007

Rude Dems?

The Prince of Darkness is a tad upset that Congress rejected his "Be A Patsy On Iraq" invitation, as explains. Here's a snip from the post:

Novak: Democrats "rude" to Bush | CorrenteWire: "I mean, the Republicans had every opportunity to be all Bipartisan ‘n’ stuff when they had total power, so why should we believe them now, when they say “Honey, I’ve changed”?

But now Novak lets the cat out of the bag entirely:

Courtesy aside, it shows that the self-confident Democratic leadership is uninterested in being cut into potentially disastrous outcomes in Iraq. It wants to function as a coordinate branch of government, not as friendly colleagues in the spirit of bipartisanship.

Imagine. The Democrats want Congress to function as a “coordinate branch of government.

What is Bob Novak’s world coming to?”"

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