Saturday, March 17, 2007

Actor212 Talks Blogging Rituals

Simply Left Behind: Blogging Ballet: The Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: "...See, I understand what this blog is about, and why the couple of hundred of you return, day in and day out. TBogg and them can 'report' (read that as 'rehash the news in sumamry form, like newsradio') the news(sic). I tell you why I think things happen, and try to put some sense into the world. That's why I never just post for the sake of posting a post every day (some of my midday posts will be rather short, I admit)..."

Hmm. Lotsa food for thought. The post reminds me of a now-disappeared post by jurassicpork on the politics of left-side blogging that I'm sure set a few knickers in a knot. So why do I post what I do? Good question. I started doing this blogging-stuff because I had finally gone over the edge (Katrina did me in), and I felt like I had to do something to help push the progressive agenda, or at least the parts I supported.

Then, I evolved, and what I post became those things I find interesting (politically, in this blog; though the same idea permeates my other blogs) and those things that I would like to write about if I had time. Sometimes, I do have a chance to wax-on but for the most part I am doing what Carl complains about: snippet-blogging. Even doing that, like others, I do sometimes get ahead of the blogging news curves because I also listen to tv and radio (meaning, yes, I am alive).

Well, this was a post about not much, but, on occasion, I do have something to say, sometimes intelligent, sometimes not.

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