Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fox Farce

Talking Points Memo |: "I try not to be too quick to cast aspersions when it comes to misidentifying a politician's political party. On occasion I put an (R) after a Dem's name or vice versa. And I don't think there's anything to it beyond an overworked set of hands or whatever part of my brain takes control when I'm jotting down those sorts of details on autopilot. But Fox News does seem to have this unmistakable pattern of calling any Republican who either gets caught boffing someone besides their spouse or attacks the president a Democrat.

Of course, to think about just what a joke Fox is you need do no more than remember how their star reporter Carl Cameron wrote a 'parody' (the one with a very fey John Kerry gabbing about his manicures) about then presidential candidate John Kerry about a month before the '04 election and somehow this 'parody' ending up running as a news story on Fox website. And of course the whole thing was brushed off as just good fun..."

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