"Yes folks—as 9/11 approaches, expect more and more of these odious op-eds to be written.
Funny how he fails to point out that America was unified until we were lied to repeatedly by this administration which used charlatans as witnesses. And all the war hawks in our media propped up as much terror as they could articulate so that the country feared a nuclear attack by Saddam more than life itself and we just had no choice but to invade a country that never attacked us. The right wing blogs try to perpetuate this fear every chance they get and like Malkin, they get upset when a bridge collapses in Minesota and the government quickly rules out terrorism….And so it goes…
America’s fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater.
What would sew us back together?
Another 9/11 attack.
The Golden Gate Bridge. Mount Rushmore. Chicago’s Wrigley Field. The Philadelphia subway system. The U.S. is a target-rich environment for al Qaeda.
Is there any doubt they are planning to hit us again?
If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America’s righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail.
He misses the unity Osama’s attack instilled in our land and what better way to regain those warm and fuzzy jingoistic feelings highlighted by American flags being sold at twenty bucks a pop on street corners like Hollywood Star maps so we could hoist them on our cars. Those were the days. I wonder if Stu will volunteer to be the first person killed in an attack so that in his mind his death will serve the purpose he so longs for…stubyko@phillynews.com (be gentle) I’m sure Will Bunch can’t be thrilled right now…(h/t Brady)"