Quoted from http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/12742:
There's nothing mainstream about the corporate media | The Smirking Chimp
As we stumble toward another presidential election, it's never been more clear that our political process is being warped by a corporate stranglehold on the free flow of information. Amidst a virtual blackout of coverage of a horrific war, a global ecological crisis and an advancing economic collapse, what passes for the mass media is itself in collapse. What's left of our democracy teeters on the brink.
The culprit, in the parlance of the day, has been the "Mainstream Media," or MSM.
But that's wrong name for it. Today's mass media is Corporate, not Mainstream, and the distinction is critical.
Calling the Corporate Media (CM) "mainstream" implies that it speaks for mid-road opinion, and it absolutely does not....
...The Corporate Media takes partisan stands (often in favor of the Republican Party, but always in defense of corporate interests) by sabotaging political candidacies, especially those of candidates who challenge corporate power. This year it blacklisted the populist candidacy of John Edwards, suffocating his ability to compete for the Democratic nomination....
...Thankfully, just as the CM solidifies its power over our mass media outlets, the internet has burst forth as an open, wildly diverse medium for mainstream opinion and actual truth. Its preservation will require what Thomas Jefferson called "eternal vigilance."
That includes restoring the Fairness Doctrine, enacted by a Republican Congress in the 1920s to guarantee balanced opinion on the emerging electronic medium of radio. It means a ban on unified corporate ownership of large fleets of radio, TV and print outlets. It means busting up the monopolies that warp public access to information and opinion....
I would like to hear someone ask Obama and Clinton what their respective positions are concerning the Media, especially the idea of returning something like the Fairness Doctrine to the public good.
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