Friday, June 12, 2009

Micro Nukes

Will Babcock & Wilcox's tiny reactor make nuclear power practical? | DVICE: "In the long march toward a green power grid, a lot of eyes are turning toward nuclear power. While the problem of what to do with the waste remains unresolved (waste is typically stored on-site), a new, more compact reactor design might make the issues of cost and construction time less of a concern. Babcock & Wilcox's small-scale reactor is one-tenth the size of a normal one, and it's able to generate 125 MW of power.

B&W says the power will cost less than $5,000 per megawatt. With an average home consuming about 1 kW, the reactor could lead to some seriously cheap power — possibly even cheaper than this mini reactor from Hyperion..."

One-tenth the size. Munch on that a while.

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