Friday, September 25, 2009

Lying Liars: Health Care Edition

My bold below:

Calling liars to account - Leonard Pitts Jr. - "...Wallis, a celebrated theologian and author of The Great Awakening: Reviving Faith & Politics in a Post-Religious Right America, says Sojourners is trying to redeem things people ``really should've learned in Sunday school.

``For example, Sean Hannity said we're going to have a government rationing body that tells women with breast cancer, `You're dead. It's a death sentence.' That's just not true. So instead, [in our e-mail] we told the story of a real person, a real woman who was denied her breast cancer surgery because of her health provider's discovery of a pre-existing condition called acne.''

He adds, ``A lot of the things the talk show hosts say will happen are already happening because of the behavior of the healthcare providers. They're not true because of healthcare reform, they're true because of the present system...''"

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