Monday, June 04, 2012

War On Women Update

Democrats campaign for Paycheck Fairness Act ahead of Tuesday vote -

The Paycheck  Fairness Act (PFA) would offer several additional protections for women in the workplace, including increased ability to pursue punitive damages for unequal pay claims; prohibit employers from retaliating against employees who inquire about payment practices or who disclose their own salaries; and require businesses to prove that differences in pay between genders were rooted in business requirements...


Anonymous said...

If the Pubs had any sense at all, they could actually do the right thing for women, and gain a few votes for their party come November - in the process. I have no statistics to back this up, but I think there are a lot of moderate feminists who could be won over by the Pubs if they would just pull their heads out of the 1950s, quit sucking up to the "base" - aka the fundamentalist Christian community, and take some positive steps to help women.

As far as the Dems go, we saw their true colors in 2008 - repeatedly. Their lack of concern for women was made clear again when they bargained away women's health and reproductive choice for low income women in order to pass (using the word loosely) Obamacare. If they actually get some good legislation passed for women, more power to them. But, the Dems aren't interested in helping women - they just want their votes. Like the song says, "We won't be fooled again."


Alessandro Machi said...

freespirit, us PUMA's get it. However, the republican party won't do anything that would paint Hillary Clinton in a sympathetic light, even if it means losing to Barack Obama this fall.

Bob Harrison said...

You are both correct. Nothing will change until women start voting based on what's best for them-- not best for (usually) rich white men.