Friday, July 06, 2012

Who Do You Blame For The Economy?

Hullabaloo: "Shades of grey (austerity): remember what they did to you"

In case you are wondering just why there have been such dismal job numbers and the government is doing everything it can to make it worse, here's a handy little primer on who's really responsible:...

And now the rebuttal:

Recap « The Confluence

...Let’s face it, the Democrats did this to the country when they decided to put a complete novice, bought by Wall Street, who had almost no legislative experience, in charge of the most important nation in the world in the midst of the worst economic downturn in 80 years.  There is no getting around it.  Obama’s lack of legislative progress reminds me of JFK’s and that was primarily self-inflicted because the Kennedy crew refused to use LBJ to muscle arm people into line.

Obama wasn’t dealing with a 100% hostile Congress in 2009.  He had almost a mandate and he could have used his political capital at that time to demand just about anything.  Instead, he spent an awful lot of time preening for the camera during the first two years and I know this because his face was on TV in the company cafeteria every fricking day during lunch...

All of which proves we need Hillary Clinton as POTUS.


Alessandro Machi said...
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Alessandro Machi said...

I blame Soros for abandoning Hillary Clinton in 2008, and instead of going neutral, forced Obama on the democrats and then used every conceivable shenanigan to make it look like he actually won over Hillary Clinton.

The solution lies in the 3 trillion dollar consumer debt. NO incentives have been offered to reward consumers with lower interest rates if they pay down their overall debt on a monthly basis.

There are some incentives that require freezing a debt line, but these incentives actually eat away at a consumers monthly available credit and cash too deeply, and the consumer's credit score is damaged as a result.

Obama is a banker, pure and simple. He looks like a banker, he talks like a bankers, he acts like a banker, Obama even offers banking solutions to main street's problems.

Since when do Bankers care about helping others get out of debt?

Every year, 300 billion to 400 billion dollars are paid in interest rate charges to the banksters on that 3 trillion in student loan and credit card debt, and that is a HUGE amount of money to be siphoning out of local economies all over the U.S. BEFORE it has circulated locally.

Bob Harrison said...

You're certainly right about Obama the banker and I suspect you're on-target about the debt, too.

billy pilgrim said...

i think it all goes back to bill clinton. he de-regulated a lot of business and no one seems to mention it but he was very pro china.

Bob Harrison said...

Billy, tell me more.