Monday, August 06, 2012

Tax Hikes And Terrorism

Business and Industry hold Americans hostage over future tax increases « The Confluence

...This is the biggest bullshit excuse I have ever heard.  It’s just applying the screws with more torque.  If business doesn’t get its way, they’re just going to lay off more people, have I got that right?  If rich and powerful people, especially people in the finance and defense industry, are asked to sacrifice even one teensy tiny piece of their enormous share of the pie, they will pull the plug on any economic recovery.

This is the equivalent of domestic economic terrorism, in my humble opinion.  It’s a test of Obama’s and the Democrat’s fortitude.  When are they going to get tough on these bastards and the Republicans?  It’s time to stop pretending there is any compromise possible with these assholes.  Some of them need to be thrown in jail for threatening to send the economy into another destructive recession.  These industrialists and their finance industry allies are enemies of the people...

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