Tuesday, February 10, 2015

O Hates Mo

He has plenty of company in the No-Mo Boat.

David Axelrod: New York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd Gets Under Obama's Skin:

... Dowd acknowledged that her columns grew more critical of Obama through his first six years in office, but said the shift was a reflection on his “governing and leadership, not my relationship with him.”

"If anyone acted out of spite, I'd say it was the White House, which ... no longer invites me to the President's background briefings for the columnists while continuing to invite my male colleagues, even though they, too, have written some critical things about the President," Dowd said. "But here again, while I'd like to be included, that is not a consideration in what I write."
Sure Mo. We believe that, and oh, btw, the POTUS is allowed a little spite toward bitchy typists.

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