Saturday, January 23, 2016

Today's Both Siderism Delusion

The Federalist's Ben Domenech: 'Both Sides Are Responsible For Donald Trump' | Crooks and Liars

...The recent edition of he National Review has created a flurry of controversy amidst a blizzard (aka sh*tstorm) on the right, symbolic of their culpability for the creation of Franken-Trump. The characterization of President Obama as an authoritarian dictator has created fanaticism that is nothing more than a racist display of jealous rage. The conditions were created to build the hateful monster on January 20, 2009. But Ben is a typical representation of those living in the highly deluded incubus of the right-wing, who think every problem has a cause that originates on both sides of the aisle. Thus, he takes no responsibility for something he has most assuredly created...

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