After a considerable amount of free roaming, sans Teh Google, I have found only one mention of Song's (Bernie Sander's) contention that Hillary Clinton was a "Democratic whore." I betcha that if a Clinton surrogate said something similar it would be a part of every teevee news show and the liberal blogs would be belching fire calling for the impalement of said speaker. The Clinton Rules and CDS remain unchecked in our "liberal media."
Update: Well, here we are late in the evening and some mention of the event has occurred, including a long apology at HuffPo. I suppose this little blip in the Purity Parade will disappear along with all the other little blips, so I'll just move along. Nothing to see here.
It was a Sanders surrogate who said it. The Yuuuuge crowd for Bernie was in part because there are many Occupy people in the crowd. The surrogate who said "whore" was probably an Occupier. Better to be seen and not heard, lol.
Maybe the Occupiers should "Move on" and try to find "Common Ground" with the Old Turks who are all on a mission to attack Hillary Clinton so Sander's wins.
It's not the most despicable thing I've seen or heard this campaign but it was bad enough. Agree that a good bit of the crowd was OWS, which is ok with me. Protest, all you want but they really need to be rolling up the road to Westchester if they want to have an impact on the government, but then, that might be too close to home. I quit pay attention to crowds. They don't vote.
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