Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kristol Hearts Bush

Steve Benen for Talking Points Memo notes: "...Kristol concludes:

[A]ll honor to George W. Bush for following in Reagan's footsteps, grasping the nettle, and confronting the real lessons and consequences of Vietnam. The liberal media and the PC academics are horrified. All the better.

As the left shudders, Bush leads.

There isn't even an argument to refute here; it's just childish cheerleading and empty sloganeering..."


Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say:

who own weekly standard mag? A: Rupert Murdoch

how many time weekly standard make the profit? A: Zero

What am real purpose of weekly standard if not for making the profit? A: So obvious weekly standard propaganda organ for rupert murdoch organization?

Where from wife of Kristol? A; israeli citizen.

Am israeli intel real control of this kristol? A: this the big question and need investigation by usa fbi and cia.

for study ameirki might reading:

inside the company, cia diary by philip agee.

a man called intrepid by william stevenson.

google: mighty wurltizer +cia

Bob Harrison said...

Hmmmm, did not know that about Kristol's wife. Is that a scale falling from my eye?