Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Air Foce Evangelicals

Fannie's Room: Christian Warriors Soldier On!: "...For, some evangelicals are unable to see how evangelizing within a military environment is offensive to the validity of the faiths of other people. Because they so firmly believe that their religion is the correct one, and are so intent on making other people also believe this, they don't seem to stop and think 'Maybe this Jewish/Catholic/Muslim person believes that her religion is the Truth just as strongly as I believe that mine is. And maybe I should respect that. '

Which brings me to the lack of tolerance and respect for other religions that became pervasive at the Academy. One report called the situation 'reflections of systematic and pervasive religious bias and intolerance at the highest levels of the Academy Command Structure.' In short, some military evangelicals are unable or unwilling to see how evangelizing often led to the inhibition of non-evangelical Christians' right to the 'free exercise' of their respective religions (or non-religions). Or, perhaps, they just didn't care..."

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