Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Sound of Near Thunder

Democrat Taylor Marsh Broadcasts Live Talk Radio and Blogs Politics
Posted by Ed Encho:

"...An increasingly vocal majority of Americans have had it with this sort of crap. Americans are fed up with a lawless administration, the disembowelment of the constitution and the maniacal fat-asses over at the AEI and their damned wars. Enough is enough and the Democrats have to make a choice, it is either time to ride the zeitgeist or reap the whirlwind because as one of my favorite essayists William Rivers Pitt so accurately put it in his excellent column A Time To Reap a few months back:

“There is something happening today in America. With the right kind of ears, you can hear it in the sound of millions of brows slowly furrowing in anger and disgust. It feels like those tense moments just before the eruption of a summer thunderstorm, those moments when the air is electric, the ozone reek of spent lightning fills the world, and you know that something very loud is about to happen.

And you CAN hear it. You could hear it in Washington last weekend, you can hear it in Jena and sweet Jesus, for you can hear it in stores, workplaces, churches and other areas where criticism of the Bush regime was at one time unthinkable and by God does it sound good. This sort of slow building outrage shows that a large number of Americans are starting to ‘get it’ that their system has failed them utterly and completely and the old paradigms that divide us are now being challenged. There is a huge storm of revulsion building in this country and more than anything it is a time to renounce politics as usual, discard stereotypes and scream ala Howard Beale “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”. Where are the leaders? Cowering behind their rapidly eroding status quo, too timid to dare to challenge the affront to American ideals and human dignity that has swept the fruited plain like the black plague for the past six and a half shame drenched years. They are hiding from their constitutional responsibilities and by God come election time there will be a price to pay if this is allowed to continue any longer."

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