Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Other Shoe Falling

Papamoka Straight Talk: "I’m so sorry for saying this but Fred Thompson just ended his campaign with this one speech politically. Not being a political genius, even I know that the worst thing to say while campaigning for the highest office in the land is to state that you do not attend church even somewhat regularly is a NO NO! Somebody fire off a flare because the Thompson campaign just sank on its maiden voyage..."

Papamoka gets there first with the obvious Thompson gaffe. It's amazing, really. Though I have a couple of friends who won't even by moved by this admission-- the only reason I can discern for their support of Frederick of Hollywood is, maybe, the Twins, or maybe just because Fred is tall and would loom over any Democratic candidate like an old, fossilized deadwood redwood just waiting to fall and make a sound maybe even wingnuts would hear.

1 comment:

Papamoka said...

Thank you so much for the link. I really appreciate it.