Wednesday, October 22, 2008

On The Village People

No, not that wonderful band, but the pack of hyenas howling outside the gated communities in the suburbs of Main Stream Metropolis. The pitiful pack wants nothing more than to be invited to pundicate on Sunday mornings in order to puff up their already incredibly inflated egos, so any sacrifice of person or principle is just a fine stepping stone to commentariat glory. It's worth remembering that most, if not all, "A-List" bloggers got their start as GOP operatives who saw the light. Ahem. Right. They managed to build high traffic sites for many reasons, not the least of which is having the operating capital to survive while paying for high-cost, high bandwidth servers. Of course, they all got that operating capital from washing dishes at Denney's, not a bank loan or a rich uncle or a corporate sugar daddy. Anyway, I digress.

Anglachel's post (excerpt below) quotes the Daily Howler quite extensively (a good thing) and adds a further fork or two in the steaming corpse of a once semi-respectable blogger. As always, there is certainly more than one good candidate for thievery in her posts but I picked the following, which is slightly off topic, but this is one of those cases in which the horse cannot be whipped too much:

...To me, as I have been writing for months, the key lies with the psychosis of the Stevensonian crowd, who hate all things white and southern and who have seized the presence of racism (real and imagined) as the source of evil in the body politic. No lie is too much, no threat of violence too far, no manipulation of the process too crude in the Battle Against the Bubbas.

This is why we have the weird opposition to McCain and Palin, almost identical to the trashing of Hillary, focusing on racism and social status to the exclusion of substance. It can work if you have already decided that the poor and working class as such are not worthy of political representation. Exactly in the way that the Republicans have tried to make urban black populations stand in for everyone below upper middle class, trying to sully programs for lower classes by forcing programs benefitting those classes into grotesque blackface, now the Democrats are coming at this group from the other side, whitewashing their own class bigotry with the specter of the KKK...

Click on the following link for the rest: Anglachel's Journal: "Sullied". No, not the verb, the proper noun. Read the post for an explanation.

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