Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Left Will Fight Terrorists

Democrat Taylor Marsh Blogs Politics: ". . .'We doubt all of this will help Democrats with the larger electorate, which whatever its doubts about Iraq does not want a precipitous surrender. Americans haven't trusted a liberal Democrat with the White House during wartime since Vietnam, which is when the seeds of the current antiwar rage were planted. The great mistake that leading Democrats and anti-Communist liberals made during Vietnam was not speaking up against a left that was demanding retreat and sneering at our war heroes. Will any Democrat speak up now?'
The left is against the 'war on terror'? 'Sneering at war heroes'? 'Precipitous surrender'?

We have waited through 3 votes, months of dithering and disaster in Iraq, so it's true, we don't exactly want to turn that incompetence on Iran. Oh, and it would be nice, I mean if you're going to talk about the 'war on terror,' to actually catch the man who hit us on 9/11.

And what about the Republican swiftboating of the generals against Bush, Rumsfeld and the Iraq war? What about the Republican operatives spewing venom at the veterans against this war?

Democrats have 55 Fighting Dems running for office. Where is the Republican contingent of that magnitude?. . ."

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