Monday, December 04, 2006


The Blog | Trey Ellis: The Bushbot Is on Autopilot | The Huffington Post: ". . .Dick Cheney took Bush Senior's carefully orchestrated straw son and turned him into the Manchurian Candidate. At first I thought Bush Junior was just stubborn, but it's gone way beyond that. I think someone should investigate the possibility of mind control. I'm serious. I've known stubborn people in my life but this President's levels of denial are way beyond pathological. He single-handedly destroyed the Republican dynasty and still he won't change course. Now he's threatening to disregard the recommendations of his handpicked commission. The disgruntled preppy turned affable but faux good ol' boy now seems like a freakish automaton, marching forward into the immovable wall that is Iraq, banging his head against it, getting dented, broken, slowly destroyed -- but simply incapable of stopping or even just turning around.

If he weren't taking all those poor soldiers with him I'd say there's just no talking to him, and let him just keep banging away till he topples over or runs out of batteries."

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