Monday, December 04, 2006

Oxy Dep In Wingnut Medialand

Crooks and Liars » MSNBC makes a story out of a caller from CSPAN that slams Jimmy Carter: "Jimmy Carter was on CSPAN talking about his new book this weekend. CSPAN is famous for the whacky calls they take during their programs. On the Washington Journal they have a separate Republican and Democrat call in lines. Why is MSNBC making a big story out of one of these callers? Am I missing something here?

Video-WMP Video-QT

Nico: During an interview yesterday, an anonymous C-SPAN viewer called former President Jimmy Carter “a bigot and a racist and an anti-Semite,” and accused him of “cozying up with every dictator, thug, Islamic terrorist there is.”

How is this news? I wonder if they'll make a story out of this angry commenter on Malkin's other blog that is furious over Bolton not keeping his job and hopes for the UN to be blown up."

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