Thursday, January 25, 2007

To Slur Or Not To Slur

AMERICAblog: A blog for a great nation that deserves the truth: "
CNN defends host's use of the word 'faggot' - network slammed by lead gay anti-defamation group
by John in DC - 1/24/2007 09:18:00 PM

Apparently, no one at CNN has heard of Isaiah Washington, and what happens to TV networks that think the word 'faggot' is nothing more than a 'naughty name.'

So CNN is now defending its host, Glenn Beck, and his use of the word 'faggot' on the air, AND his suggestion that the word isn't very derogatory. Way to step in it even further, CNN. Faggot is the n-word to gays, and you think it's appropriate? Does CNN permit the n-word on the air? And would they permit their hosts to suggest that it's simply a 'naughty name'? CNN has a host who is a loose cannon and who has already slurred Muslims, gays, and more. (Though, interestingly, I doubt CNN would let a host slur blacks or Jews, so apparently free speech has its limits even at CNN.) But rather than apologize, CNN defends their host who thinks the word 'faggot' is appropriate for CNN, and who thinks the word 'faggot' is simply a 'naughty name.'

I think CNN is about to see just how the gay community feels about TV networks who think the bigoted slurs are no big deal. Why? Because now GLAAD is involved..."


the rube said...

has wolf called the lovely ms cheney a faggot lately?

Bob Harrison said...

Egads! Would that set off a confusing ruckus or what? Heads would be exploding all over the political spectrum.