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Bush to veto Medicare legislation
by Chris in Paris - 1/15/2007 09:13:00 AM
What is with the GOP and their hatred of all things related to competition? Their Soviet style attacks on competition are un-American and shameful. Why do they always insist on blocking all attempts to introduce competition into the American market? I know that Bush owes his position to Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Banking, etc, but is it really that difficult to support good old fashioned competition? With all of the money that Bush and the GOP wasted over the last six years, why is it wrong to try and reign in costs that benefit the average tax payer? Does the GOP have to be so obvious with their handouts to their corporate friends over regular people? Why does Bush and the GOP hate the American way?"
i think it's called globalization and liquidity of capital.
You just went a thousand feet above my head-- globalization I get but does liquidity of capital mean having gobs of cash on hand? So investments in say infrastructure would not help fund globalization because of liquidity issues?
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