(Klein flogged Edwards for getting a haircut and getting caught.)
skippy the bush kangaroo: ezra klein's an idiot: "...here's what we think edwards (and ezra) should say about the haircut and to ms. dowd:
you're not a serious person. that's fine for you - you can afford to be. and maybe if it were the 2000 election we all could afford your frivolousness. but it's not 2000. the republicans have destroyed the military and our international standing. they are sleeping through the last years in which we can do something about climate crisis. they have no response to the health care crisis that is eviscerating our medical system. and their calls for education reform look to be nothing more than a way to rip off taxpayer dollars.
i don't know or care where ms. dowd gets her haircuts or how much she pays for them. most americans who are concerned about the critical questions that face them and face our country don't give an airborn fornacative moment about mine. ms. dowd and her ilk think talking about my haircut is some fancy way to trash me. i think it shows how little they care about, and how little they're willing to offer to a conversation about the best way to turn our country around. and since i believe that's the conversation we should be having, that is the last thing i'm going to say to ms. down, or anyone, about my grooming habits..."
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