Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Discovering Hypocrisy

The Rocky Mountain Collegian :: Obama brings hope and change to his position on filibuster: "I’ve become increasingly irritated by the incessant clamor to abolish the Senate’s ability to filibuster legislation. Democrats are claiming that the filibuster is preventing them from passing needed legislation.

If you’ve followed politics for more than one election cycle, you’d immediately catch the hypocrisy involved here.

Back in 2005, when Republicans were in control of the Senate and the presidency, Democrats repeatedly used the filibuster to block extremely Christian right-wing judges.

Republicans complained and initiated what Democrats called “the nuclear option,” an attempt to end the filibuster and require only 51 votes instead of 60 to confirm these judicial nominees.

Notorious right-wing Christian leader James Dobson said about eliminating the filibuster: “The future of democracy and ordered liberty actually depends on the outcome of this struggle.” That’s right, Republicans and far-right wingers were claiming that eliminating it was essential to saving democracy..."

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