Saturday, March 05, 2011

Huck's Hubris

The Fictions of Mike Huckabee -

"...In one of his lame attempts to explain the Obama comments, Huckabee only added to the character assassination. He said, “Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings, and you know, our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs, not madrassas.” In other words, Obama may not be Kenyan, but he’s probably Muslim! (Note to Huckabee: Hawaii has both Boy Scouts and Rotary Clubs.)

The second question is about judgment, always the most crucial thing to consider in a person who wants to be president. If Huckabee can’t see past a crude convict ploy to his heart, how can he judge the North Koreans?

Huckabee makes a very good living from his employer at Fox News, and from more than a half-dozen books about values. One of the books is called “Character Makes a Difference,” and another “Do the Right Thing.”

Preacher: follow your own advice. "

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