Monday, August 12, 2013

The Theocracy Strikes Again

This Judge Forces Parent To Change Child’s First Name - Next? (VIDEO):
This story seems unreal in the United States of America. In short, Lu Ann Ballew, the Child Support Magistrate who serves the 4th Judicial District of Tennessee that includes Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson, and Sevier counties, renamed a Tennessee’s mother’s child’s name. She did this based on her own religious beliefs and the preponderance of the Christian religion in the child’s surroundings.

This is more serious than it seems on the surface. Many in the Right Wing get upset when they are compared to the Taliban, yet the type of control they attempt to take on the civil liberties and freedoms of citizens is immediately visible. The attempt in Tennessee and in various states governed by Right Wing politicians to pass laws against non-existent Sharia Laws as cover for their attempt at their own theocracy and ideological dominance is dangerous...


billy pilgrim said...

what about paul maud'dib, he was the dune messiah.

Bob Harrison said...

whose sister, played by alicia witt, grew up to be falachi on law & order: criminal intent.