Monday, August 05, 2013

The Toad Thinks Anew

Newt Gingrich sees major Mideast mistakes, rethinks his neocon views on intervention - Washington Times:
...Mr. Gingrich said it is time for Republicans to heed some of the anti-interventionist ideas offered by the libertarian-minded Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, and Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, tea party favorite and foreign policy skeptic.

“I think it would be healthy to go back and war-game what alternative strategies would have been better, and I like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul because they are talking about this,” Mr. Gingrich said.

Mr. Paul, a longtime critic of neoconservatives on foreign policy, argues that war must be a last resort and never should be used for nation-building...


freespirit said...

Lord, what's happening to the Republican Party? Now, Newt realizes he may have been wrong AGAIN? It's a regular goat-roping among the Pubs, isn't it?

Bob Harrison said...

Can too much revelation (or Revelation) be bad thing?