Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bumper Stickers Can't Defame Bush in Georgia

A police officer stops a woman and tells her he is going to write her a ticket for having a "lewd bumpersticker:"

Woman Gets $100 Ticket for BUSHIT Bumpersticker | The Progressive:

"Grier says she immediately thought that one of her kids had put something nasty on her bumper as a joke.

“But then he mentioned the Bush sticker,” she says. That one says: “I’m tired of all the BUSHIT.” (This story was first reported by Joe Johnson of the Athens Banner-Herald.)

Grier says she told the officer it wasn’t lewd, and that it was clearly a political statement. When he insisted it was lewd, she said, “I’m not going to discuss this any further. Just give me the ticket.” Which he did.

Under “offense,” it says: “Lewd decals.”

The ticket is for $100.

Grier has no intention of paying it.

“I am so appalled at the officer’s attempt to squash my freedom of speech,” she told the Banner-Herald."

She is planning to sue. Read more here.

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