Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A Post for Believers

I would steal this entire post, but then I'd probably go someplace unpleasant...

from The Charleston Gazette:

"The faith given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ is not a religion of the political right. It does not endorse the policies of the Republican Party. In addition to the personal and private meaning for its adherents, the Christian faith is a call for social justice, a system of beliefs that sides with those on the painful side of poverty and oppression. Jesus does not bless the rich. He says, 'Blessed are the poor.' Jesus does not tell us to dismantle our welfare system. He tells Peter, 'Feed my sheep.' Jesus does not support the oppressor. He says, 'I have come to set at liberty those who are oppressed.' Jesus does not tell us that God hates fags."

If you claim to be a Christian, a real one, not one that subverts Jesus in favor of Leviticus, then you need to read this entire post. For all you Leviticans, you won't agree at all, but maybe you should read the post and perhaps the scales will fall from your eyes.

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