Tuesday, March 14, 2006

More Port Disgruntling

The Great Divide: Kiss My ***, Dubai:

"So I read that the princes of Dubai are 'furious' that the US has refused to hand over operations of our most sensitive ports to them. Excuse me? Feeling a little entitled here, aren't we? Since when did oil shieks and foreign princes dictate American policy? Oh, I forgot –- since their great friend George W, Bush has been in office. Wonder what favor they provided that got them promised this sweet deal? Their good friend Osama releasing a scary tape just before the 2004 election, maybe?

Of course, you won't find any American companies running ports in Dubai, or the rest of the UAE, or any other middle eastern country. You won't see, say, France selling the Eiffel Tower. In fact, I doubt if there's a single other country in the world so eager to auction off its most valuable and significant assets to the highest bidder."

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