Monday, September 11, 2006

Confederate Yankee: Day of Denial

Confederate Yankee: Day of Denial: "Day of Denial

Today more than any other in the past five years, the Left continues to reveal how much they despise the essence of America.

They continue to mock the moment when our President found out that a sneak attack broader in scope and scale than Pearl Harbor was under way. They mock him for showing the same shock and dismay we all felt. They mock him for being moved near to tears as the realization set in that thousands of innocent Americans were dead or dying and that he, the most powerful single man on the planet, was powerless to stop it.

They belittle our pain as a nation, as if only those who had direct friends and family die had a right to grieve, feel pain, or remorse, or anger and resolve.

They lash out against those who do remember what happened under that bright blue September sky, and preemptively lash out against those who would remember future attacks before they've even come to pass.

They refer to memorial services as pornography, and seek to belittle every remembrance, every solemn moment, every tear, every voice raised in anger . . ."

I can assure you, sir, that of the forty or so blogs I have prowled through today, not one person has blogged anything approaching your assertion. You, sir, are wrong. (And no, it doesn't mean a thing to find nasty remarks in comment threads because the bulk of those are posted by right-wing trolls and meat puppets. I'm talking about commentary that can actually be attributed to a living, breathing person.)

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