Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Off The Radar

The Smirking Chimp -We Need An Economic Justice Movement: ". . .With so much rampant yet unrecognized and unaddressed economic inequality, this country desperately needs an economic justice movement. Being slaves to an unjust economic system merits as much concern and action as any social cause of recent decades.

How do you know that economic inequality is no where near a significant political issue driving class warfare in the good old USA? When there is rampant positive news coverage of the new Forbes list of the 400 richest American citizens. No one seems angry that for the first time all 400 are billionaires. The rich are rapidly becoming super-rich. The super-rich are rapidly becoming mega-rich. The obscene wealth and the growth in it do not motivate loud calls for a wealth tax. In the streets of America there are no mobs of unemployed and low-paid workers demanding government action and economic justice..."

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