Monday, September 18, 2006

Flogging ABC, Part 7

Taylor Marsh starts with a WaPo whitewash from the crapudrama's writer and ends with this:
'Path to 9/11' Writer Speaks Out:

...Lastly, maybe Mr. Nowrasteh should talk to the FBI agent who quit over the his fictional account of 9/11 events. Then again, the truth wasn't what ABC or the producers of "Path" wanted and Mr. Nowrasteh was evidently more than happy to oblige.'

Marsh makes the point that "this is not over," and I agree; too many of us have very bad tastes in our collectives mouths for the Rat Empire. Neither ABC nor Disney nor Apple is getting any more of my money; so, Itunes-- no more downloads from me. Disney: no movies, no DVDs, no visits to Disney World (Dollywood here I come); ABC: three thumbs down on my TiVo for everything you show. I know one of me ain't much a'tall, but a couple of million dedicated boycotters might just show up on your bottom line.

Oh, and Apple, that quaint notion I had about trying one of your way-overpriced computers again-- fergitaboutit.

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