Friday, September 29, 2006

Iraqis Want US Dead

The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Majority of Iraqis Approve of Attacks on US Troops, Why Are We Still There? | The Huffington Post: "...Well, we've just had another amazing moment in which the Iraqi people have spoken. But this time the message isn't 'We want to be free.' It's 'We don't mind seeing American soldiers blown up.'

You read that right. In a stunning new poll conducted by a well-regarded Iraqi public opinion research firm, over 60 percent of Iraqis said they approve of attacks on U.S. troops, including solid majorities of both Sunnis and Shiites.

U.S. deaths in Iraq just passed 2,700 and the Iraqi people seem to be dancing on the graves. Large numbers of those voters who held up their purple-stained fingers back in December now seem intent on giving America the finger.

Among the reasons why: the poll found that almost 80% of Iraqis believe the US military presence in Iraq provokes more violence than it prevents. And three-fourths say they think America plans to keep military bases in Iraq forever..."

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