Sunday, September 02, 2007

Who Has The Ideas?

Talking Points Memo | Gerstein and ‘new big ideas’

"...It's hard to overstate how difficult it is to take this kind of analysis seriously. Listen to the standard stump speech of any of the leading Democratic presidential hopefuls, and you'll be inundated with ideas -- some of them big (healthcare, Iraq, an overhaul of U.S. foreign policy), some of them new (energy policy, combating global warming), and some of them old that haven't gotten the attention they deserve (poverty, domestic security, education, trade, taxes). And it's not just the politicians -- progressive think tanks sympathetic to Democrats (Center for American Progress, among others) are teeming with detailed policy proposals on every issue under the sun.

I'll gladly concede that the Republicans' vision of the future is considerably thinner, and that the big, new ideas they are offering -- war with Iran, privatizing Social Security, privatizing public schools -- are awful. But for anyone to suggest that Dems are "brain-dead" is silly -- they're itching to implement a sweeping new policy agenda and are fighting for the power to implement it.

For that matter, this Unity08-like notion that a third party will swoop in to save us with a "solutions-driven message" is equally inane..."

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