Monday, July 28, 2008

The Bubba Factor

Simply Left Behind: The Non-Rapturist's Guide To The Galaxy: "...Indeed, recent history has shown that the 'Bubba' candidate will win, usually hands down, since JFK was assassinated. And I include Richard Nixon on that list, because frankly, you could outBubba George McGovern and Eugene McCarthy with a toothpick.

That Democrats, noting this, still chose between the two most unlikely Bubba candidates (and one could make the argument that Hillary kept it as close as she did for as long as she did by outBubbaing Obama) is a step in the right direction, and perhaps signals a change in the attitude of this nation, that intellect and rationality is ready to retake the mantle of governance, that reactionary policies and knee-jerk actions are no longer anything but the simple tantrums of spoiled rich kids pretending to be 'real'.

And maybe it is this, above all else, that Europe has sensed in the Obama candidacy."

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