Sunday, July 20, 2008

Shave My Head

Trembling with Rage | Corrente: "...It started with the usual stuff that makes Lambert’s title so right on target: If you don’t support Obama, go f**k yourself or any variation of that theme, traitors, etc.

And then I read this and I thought I was going to lose it. Like my title says, I’m still trembling with rage:

“At the end of WWII, all the French whores who serviced the Germans were rounded up. Their heads were shaved, and they were tarred and feathered.

At the end of a war, the victorious side settles its debts. If you helped, you get a reward. If you did not help, you are in serious trouble. Posted by dataguy”

“I like the shaven head and tar and feathering idea for Clintonistas!! Posted by Mandy”

And then happily moving on the claiming an absence of misogyny..."

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