Monday, July 07, 2008

IDing Who You Are

Quoted from


You’re Either With Us, Or Against Us? « The Confluence


...As we know from reading John Dean’s “Conservatives Without Conscience,” (ohfuhgodssake just read the darn book) today’s Republicans, aka “movement conservatives,” are monolithic and authoritarian in their thinking. In other words, they look for a figure of absolute authority to follow, a strong Daddy to relieve them of the burdens of thinking for themselves. (This explains the appeal of movement conservatism to evangelical Christians, and their creepy identification of Bush as a religious, instead of a political, leader.) A rare few, such as Bush and Cheney, are double-high authoritarians, who wish to be the authority figures themselves. (Remember Bush’s statement that it would be a lot easier if the U.S. were a dictatorship, as long as he’s the dictator?) Movement conservatives also espouse a platform that is negative in nature; against taxes, against abortion, against evolution, against anything with the “liberal” label stamped on it...


... Now, for us pesky Democrats. In my experience, we are exactly the opposite of the Republicans on the subject of identity. Our loyalty is to the principles of the Party rather than to any individual. Thus, it makes it much, much harder to identify “friend” from “foe.” Getting a bunch of Democrats to all vote the same way is “herding cats.” We are currently experiencing a massive split in the Party between those who support Senator Obama and those who don’t. Why? Because we PUMAs believe that Hillary represents the principles of the Democratic Party and that Barack Obama does not. That’s your identity politics right there, bub.


Were we Republicans, this would never have happened...


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