Thursday, August 27, 2009

Exhausted America?

War of Exhaustion or Maneuver?: "The war in Afghanistan appears to have settled into the category Delbrueck called 'wars of exhaustion.' If it remains there, the U.S. cannot win. The American people will become exhausted long before the Pashtun do..."

America has never succumbed to the kind of exhaustion extrapolated in this post, i.e. WWI Germany. We will never run out of material or bodies to fight the Taliban. Iraquis, yes. Vietnamese, yes. What exhausts America is fighting for the wrong reason. Give us the right reason, and we, like the British, will muddle onward somehow. We (meaning the Western Allies, not just the U.S.) fought the Cold War for fifty years. Though some of the skirmishes in the larger war were ill-conceived (Vietnam) or less than perfectly executed (Korea), we slogged onward for half a century.

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