Monday, August 24, 2009

Progressive Hypocrisy Dissected

Anglachel rips the pseudo-liberals whilst exploring corporate branding:

Anglachel's Journal: Whole Foods Nation Betrayed: "...This is exactly how The Precious was marketed to Whole Foods Nation, a facsimile of liberal values tied up in a 'clean' package. The 'progressives' are a social class, not a political movement, and they are all about image. It is a class still held captive by a fantasy of the JFK White House, wanting to see it as moon landings and cultural events and chic fashion, and not as Bay of Pigs and Vietnam and invasive policing by the FBI and CIA. Its a class that waxes rhapsodic over Woodstock, but is silent over tear-gas in the streets of Berkley.

I look at this situation and see a perfect microcosm of all the delusions about the nature of power and all the unacknowledged class prejudices held by Whole Foods Nation."

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